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Friday, June 09, 2006

Universal Health Care

I'm a big proponent of a single payer system for health care. See the link to SB 1085 to read about some of the benefits.

A single payer system would be good for business in Pennsylvania. The current health care system is full of waste. The Massachusetts system is a sell-out to the insurance industry, which is part of the problem. A single payer system would get rid of all this waste and inefficiency.

I am just tired of paying $700,000 per year to provide health coverage to 200 employees, and an additional $150,000 to cover 700 employees for Workers comp, with a percentage of each being taken by a broker. In return for my $850,000 investment, I get two companies that make their money by denying coverage, and I pay for them to enter into expensive legal battles over who pays. It's the worst possible set-up imaginable. My employees, who are supposed to benefit, are usually the ones who suffer.

If Pennsylvania started a true single payer system, we would have a good 10 or 15 year window of competitive advantage against other states to attract businesses.

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