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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Von and Jody were home last weekend, so we partook in one of our favorite traditions: soft boiled eggs.

Only two eggs from 24 were left over!

My mom wrote that these videos "brought back many memories of breakfasts on St. Michael's Road. And then there was the time when Jody spent an over night at our house on Southview. At breakfast time I asked him what he wanted and he said he likes soft-boiled eggs. He then added that at his house they eat them in egg cups. I don't think it occurred to him that we might also have egg cups. I took him to the cupboard and left him choose the cup he wanted for his eggs. Glad to see you carrying on the tradition. It's a yummy one."

It's one of my favorite traditions!


Anonymous said...

we had soft boiled eggs for the first time at our house about a week ago. Elizabeth really liked them and I think she ate two. Evan "only liked the white part" and ate mainly toast. We have several egg cups but none as cool as our old family ones...and no husky to eat the uneaten egg.


Zel said...

Ah man. That looks like some good eating. I'll have to give that a go this weekend--introduce my housemates to some good old jacob's easter traditions. I'm sure there are some odd British ones that I'll get introduced to--soft boiled fish n' chips or eel or some such thing:) Give my love to the Lopez family. I miss you guy! -Zel