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Friday, December 04, 2009

Bell Ringers

I've never been sure what to think about those "Salvation Army Bell Ringers." There seems to be a big dose of religion in that organisation, and that makes me a little uncomfortable.

And the whole idea of a "Salvation Army" conjurers up the bloody crusades. "Army" and "Salvation," just don't fit together for me.

But here I am in front of Kmart at Prospect Road/Rt 30, ringing the bell. My Rotary club was responsible for ringing the bell the entire day today. I signed up for one hour over lunch.

I was really impressed with the generosity of people coming through. Anonymous Kmart shoppers put in $5 and $10 bills. People really care about other people.

I'm a little embarrassed to report that Isaac's company-wide phone system crashed while I was ringing the bell, and I ended up vacating my post to rush off and get our network fixed.


Don Jacobs said...

Alan, that takes the cake. You are a man for all seasons and all reasons. Glad you could help out. I almost did that one year when a Rotarian but for some reason I was spared the challenge!

Anonymous said...

GREAT story, Alan. I read it with a chuckle. --jane