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Thursday, July 12, 2007

The All Star Game

Yesterday, I was lucky enough to get to the Atlantic League All Star game with two other Rotarians, Bill and Ron, and another friend, Tom.

Ron, with his eagle eye, recognized another Rotarian, Jim, across the way.

We had a good time, including the thunderstorm at the end.

Of course we had the traditional Military displays and band. I am as patriotic as any other American, but I really don't understand the worship of military sacrifice. As far as I'm concerned, these folks are on a fool's errand, and they should be organizing a revolt instead of signing up for more duty.

These wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are purportedly to defeat terrorism. That's like trying to put out a fire with a leaf blower.

Bill (they are his seats, by the way) is an attorney who takes Social Security Disability cases. He was telling me that the returning veterans are discarded from the system, and then treated like so much garbage. If we really cared about these wounded citizens, we would give them the universal health care they deserve.

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