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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Frosty Sunday Morning

I saw a lot of interesting stuff on my run this morning. Here is a field of corn stubs with frost on it.

Here is a grassy stream bed. Two days ago it was flooded with rushing water. Today it is glistening with frost. Notice that the sun photograph's as a black dot in the middle left in the sky (and you can see it in the photo above as a black dot way over on the left.)

I came across a squirrel with crushed hindquarters. I don't have much feeling for squirrels, but I did put him out of his misery. I know a scared squirrel can be vicious, and bite off a thumb with those big teeth, but this guy didn't seem to have any fight left. He just gave himself over to the big heavy foot from the sky.
I woman, who I often see walking while I'm running, saw what was going on, and said the squirrel was "lucky" that I came along. I guess so. But I think if Mr. Squirrel would have written an essay called "My Lucky Day," he would have given it a somewhat different story line.

I saw this interesting tree.

And an orange peel.


Anonymous said...

That was a GORGEOUS Sunday morning, Alan. Marie and I were glorying it on the backroads we traveled to church that morning. Glad you documented it a bit for us. Sorry for the squirrel, but I think you did the right thing. looking forward to the next set of pictures -- jane

Anonymous said...

Alan, were those taken with a cheapo camera. If so I think I will sell my zillion dollar camera and get one at walmart. Great shots.