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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Carnage on the roads!

Today, while I was jogging, there were an extraordinary number of dead creatures on the road.

First, I came upon this opossum. Possums always look like their life is hard, and the final insult is to become road kill. This one was emitting a silent scream.

Next I went through the Nolt Road corner of squirrel death. I've seen at least a dozen squirrels on this road, including one I had to put out of its' misery, and another that was injured but got away. I'm convinced that in this area, natural selection will result in a breed of squirrels that has an aversion to roads.

This is the poor guy on Squirrel Death Corner.

Then I found another Opossum. This one seemed to be giving the ultimate "Ooof."

And finally, another squirrel on Marietta Pike. Was that a median rumble strip vibration, or a squirrel?

I've logged 88.21 miles jogging so far this month. I am shooting for 100, and it's not a gimmie that I'll achieve it.

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