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Tuesday, July 02, 2013


 Today I took photos of mailboxes during my jog.  Very slow Jog.  Some owners make extravagant garden displays around their mailboxes.

Some owners use plastic picket fences and plastic flowers

Others shun all natural setting, and simply go with the unadorned plastic uni-box.

Some owners make seasonal displays.  This is for July 4th.

Here a huge garden is the foundation for the mailbox.

This timid mailbox is hiding in the pine trees. 

This one didn't make it.

 Some mailboxes have inviting paved pull-offs

Others announce "Stay Out" with security system notices.

This one is in front of a farm that has Lamas.  Doesn't it look like a sitttng Lama?

Some mailboxes are sadly getting new owners.

Often, the mail carrier drives only on one side of the road, so mailboxes for neighbors on both sides are paired up.  Sometimes they seem to match.

Sometimes the numbers make it easy for the mail carrier.

Other pairs create more of a challenge.

Here's a nice trio with individual personality.

These nieghbors might not get along.

Flowers are common.

Mulch is acceptable.

Round-Up is a more utilitarian choice.

What?  All the fixins of a mailbox, but no mailbox!

 An Pennsylvania apartment

Another possibility for apartments.  Less pleasing to the eye?
This one may have been hit one too many times at night.

Some owners go to great lengths to create an appropriate backdrop.

Skip.  Nuff said.

 And other various interpretations of the mailbox.


Don Jacobs said...

Alan,this is one of the best sequences I have ever seen. Humor, conjecture, inquisitiveness, all there. I hope lots of people see this.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Dad, Alan. A really creative idea and fine to scroll through. You could make a coffee table book with these! --jane said...

Awesome! Love it.