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Sunday, November 21, 2010


Today, things just looked more vibrant than normal.

Yesterday I heard an interview with Donald and Lillian Stokes, the pair behind the Stokes bird guides.  The interviewer asked them what new thing they want to see.  One of them responded: "It's not about seeing new things, it's about seeing the same things with new eyes."


paul said...

Great photos. I like the "new eyes" comment, good advice for a photographer!

Don Jacobs said...

Alan, I have been experiencing the new eyes phenomenon this Fall as well. I need to get to a deeper level, like you.

The milkweed seeds opened a whole new door of beauty and mystery.

And, condolences on the passing of the Purple People Mover. It deserved a rest.

Thanks for teaching us how to look, and what to look for and see.
